Site work might not be the most glamorous part of a construction project, but it is critical to its success. Site work can include various jobs that all help get the area ready for actually framing and pouring structures. As some of the necessary site work tasks, these jobs play an essential role in any development.
Clearing and Grubbing
This type of site work involves removing any unnecessary vegetation or other debris from the site. It is a quick and straightforward job in some cases, but in situations with a lot of trees, it can take weeks. Though tedious, this task helps provide a blank canvas to place the structure on, and it keeps roots and other vegetation from destabilizing the structure in the future.
Subgrade Stabilization and Erosion Control
Subgrade stabilization is one of the most essential parts of site work because it ensures there is a sturdy foundation to build on. It starts with stabilizing the soil levels underneath the topsoil. This may involve adjusting moisture levels and compacting the earth. Next, the area may need to be shored up or have other erosion control measures enacted. This site works task ensures that rain or mild flooding will not wash away the earth under the building, so it is crucial for structural stability.
Heavy Haul Roads
Service roads are usually created around the construction site to allow heavy equipment to move with ease. Without heavy haul roads, construction equipment can get stuck or bogged down. A little time spent building service roads early on will save a lot of time later in construction.
One of the final site work steps, this is digging out the land according to project guidelines. For some structures, excavation is needed to create sub-ground levels. In other cases, it is just used to create space for a foundation or match elevation throughout the project site.
Drainage and Water Systems
Before the structure can start being placed, all the water and drainage systems need to be installed. This is helpful because it makes sure the site has a water source and a way of disposing of wastewater. It also allows these utility lines to be hidden away by later construction.